Part number: AD9230
Manufacturer: Analog Devices (
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Description: 1.8 V Analog-to-Digital Converter
SNR = 64.9 dBFS @ fIN up to 70 MHz @ 250 MSPS ENOB of 10.4 @ fIN up to 70 MHz @ 250 MSPS (−1.0 dBFS) SFDR = −79 dBc @ fIN up to 70 MHz @ 250 MSPS (−1.0 dBFS) Excellent li.
Wireless and wired broadband communications Cable reverse path Communications test equipment Radar and satellite subsyst.
The AD9230 is a 12-bit monolithic sampling analog-to-digital converter optimized for high performance, low power, and ease of use. The product operates at up to a 250 MSPS conversion rate and is optimized for outstanding dynamic performance in wideba.
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